Based on different studies, between 15-20 percent of the population is considered neu- rodiverse—a term that describes the range of neurological differences that exist among people. These conditions include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and Tourette syndrome.
Looking at the pediatric population, specifi- cally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network estimates that about 1 in 44 children has been identi- fied with autism spectrum disorder.
Fueled by both growing awareness and research, more healthcare organizations are looking for design solutions to address patients’ diverse needs—not just in facilities with specific services, such as an autism clinic, but also more general healthcare environments.
“Being in a healthcare space can be a stressful environment for anyone, but in particular for the neurodiverse,” who can be over- or under-stimulated by factors such as lighting, sound, texture, and smells, she says.
Design approaches that consider these experiential aspects of the environment and offer options and choices within the health- care setting are some of the solutions she discusses with clients.
For example, providing a seating niche in a waiting room can provide the opportunity for

someone to feel more enclosed and secure while wait- ing for their appointment. Other ideas, such as temper- ature or lighting controls, allow users to adjust settings to their preferences.
Play spaces that address all sensory needs from seek- ers to avoidance should be considered, as well as ther- apeutic seating options from swings to rocking chairs. Pet therapy zones can also make for an experience that gets children excited for repeat visits. Small enclo- sures like those that populate the waiting room at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford in Palo Alto, Calif., return a sense of control back into the hands of patients, giving them a healthy form of escape.