The pandemic has driven changes to medical waiting rooms and registration areas, a trend that will most likely continue. Waiting areas are now perceived as centers of germ transmission, particularly when filled with ill patients. Facilities have reduced the number of patients allowed in these spaces in a reaction to COVID-19, and planners continue to evaluate how best to keep numbers low and how to reduce the amount of time people spend in waiting rooms.
Replacing rows of chairs set close together with more lounge-like seating that encourages social distancing
Adding plexiglass partitions to separate more ill patients from those coming in for well checks — or creating completely separate rooms dedicated to keep sick or well visit patients apart
Staggering appointment scheduling and utilizing smartphone apps that enable patients to check in from their cars — and thus reduce the amount of time they spend in waiting rooms
Practical materials for furniture, registration desk countertops, cubicle partitions, and room dividers that are easily cleaned and sanitized antimicrobial surfaces include:
- Polyester
- Polyester-vinyl Components
- Vinyl
- Acrylics
- Hard Surfaces
- Seat Covers